TV series Summer Heights High poster

Summer Heights High



Director Stuart MacDonald

Australia / -

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Summer Heights High - TRAILER AND SYNOPSIS

Summer Heights High is an Australian television mockumentary series written by and starring Chris Lilley. It is a parody of high-school life epitomised by its three protagonists: effeminate and megalomaniacal "Director of Performing Arts" Mr G; self-absorbed, privileged teenager Ja'mie King; and disobedient, vulgar Tongan student Jonah Takalua. All played by Lilley, the characters never interact. It lampoons Australian high school life and many aspects of the human condition and is filmed in a documentary style, with non-actors playing supporting characters.
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Are in doubt whether you should watch Summer Heights High TV series online or buy it on DVD? will help you to make the right decision! First of all read the summary and watch Summer Heights High trailer. Then read reviews and check the IMDB rating - a high ranking almost always means that you will watch the high quality and interesting series. As usual Stuart MacDonald makes really addictive TV shows in musical,drama,romance,comedy,family so Summer Heights High may also worth your attention. Stay tuned and be the first to know the exact Summer Heights High new series release date!
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